Our Team Awaits You!
Has a wide range of experience in chronic disease management and prevention
Jamie has been a registered dietitian with the College of Dietitians of Alberta for over two decades and is a current member of Dietitians of Canada. She has a wide range of experience in chronic disease management and prevention, including weight management, mental health and digestive health. Jamie strongly believes in nutritional Medicine and has an affinity for applying evidenced-based nutrition research and the science of human metabolism into practical advice that you can use to achieve your health and wellness goals.
When Jamie is not exploring nutrition and health topics, you will find her playing hockey, biking, running, or strength training with her three sons or scouring the internet for recipes to incorporate delicious, immune-boosting foods into her daily Lifestyle. She also enjoys musical therapy and will not hesitate to pick up a musical instrument and learn a new tune.

Personal Trainer, Kinesiologist, Coach, and Exercise Clinician

Medical Office Assistant who enjoys Meeting New People!
Alicia loves the adventure of trying new things and meeting new people. Her creativity allows her to create beauty out of the simple things. Alicia owns a photography business on the side and loves the variety of sessions it brings. In her free time, you can find her with her two girls, who enjoy bike rides, playing at the park, or shopping dates. She believes everything happens for a reason and has a purpose in life.